Taekwondo Black Belt Cookies

It's been a busy few weeks here in the D-oh household. Lots of stuff going on.  Nothing exciting, just lots of stuff.  *sigh*

But I did find time to make some cookies!  Two of the boy's classmates tested for their black belts this weekend, so the boy wanted to take cookies to the belt performance.  He is only three months behind these kids, so now I have to think up something to take to HIS performance.  Eek.

I was not terribly thrilled with how they came out, but they were fine.  The kids loved them. I used the Ninjabread Men cutters (again) because they're perfect, even if my cookies aren't.

I made sixty of these bad boys, so I was pretty glad when it was all over.  Almond cookies with vanilla icing.  They were supposed to be lemon, but apparently "lemon" and "almond" look the same when it's written on an extract bottle.

Anyhoo...that's all for today.



  1. They are very cute!!! And I love decorating cookies but hate it when you are doing such a large number. You lose just a touch of the fun!

  2. Thanks, Marci! I was in some serious back pain by the time these were done, that's for sure! Next time I'll have to make fewer!


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