Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

I made some cookies to take to work a couple weeks ago.  I wanted to try something different...but not too different.  So I found this recipe on Pinterest and decided to try it out. It's originally by the Picky Palate...click on the link for the recipe.

I stuck pretty close to the original recipe.  I think the biggest difference was that I baked mine for about twice as long as she did.  About 20 minutes.  They needed it. They were some big honkin' cookies.

Basically, two chocolate chip cookies with an Oreo in the middle. 

They were pretty good.  I think they would be better with Reese Cups. Or even fudge covered Oreos.

I made a double batch and got about four dozen cookies.  Huge cookies.

Anyhoo, that's all for now.



  1. I made them as well. I thought that they were good, but so rich and almost too much for me. Although I would certainly be wiling to give a Reese's cchip cookie a try.... :)

  2. I am married to a man who would devour these! His 2 favorite cookies in one! They are enormous!!! I've seen them on Pinterest, glad someone I know made them!


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