Flower and Butterfly Sugar Cookies

Not the most creative title in the world, but what are you going to do? It fits.

Anyhoo, made some flower and butterfly decorated sugar cookies for an event at work. I also made some chocolate chunk cookies, but they weren’t as pretty.

I made a set with more flower designs for my Mom’s retirement, but I didn’t take pictures of those. I’m basically the worst blogger ever. 

I thought they were cute.

I like butterflies and flowers, but who doesn’t?

And who doesn’t like chocolate chunk cookies?

Well, that’s all for now. Enjoy!


  1. I do love those black butterflies! Very striking. And chocolate chunk might not be pretty, but when you bake thousands of sugar cookies, chocolate chunks sounds delicious!!!

  2. Thanks, Susie! The butterflies were actually very, very dark purple. I goofed on the color mixing. :(


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