School's Out Cookies!

School is almost over, so I made some cookies for the boy's teacher to thank her for putting up with him for a whole year.  He's a sweet boy, but sometimes he's too smart for his own good. And does he ever like to argue. Back when he was three, Hubby and I used to joke that we were going to locate a toddler debate team and sign him up. But we were only half joking.

The boy has a special gift. He can almost instantaneously view an argument from all sides, find the weak point, and then mercilessly attack that weak point until whomever is arguing with him curls up into a ball and begs for mercy. He wants to be an entomologist when he grows up, but I think he would make a smashing trial attorney. We've got time to work it out, though.  He just turned 9, so it's really not a decision he has to make right away.

Back to the cookies! Before we give these to the teacher, I will glue sticks to them and put them in a bouquet.  For now, they're being bagged up and thrown into the freezer since we still have two weeks to go before the last day of school. Time is short, so I do things when I can.

Again, excuse the photo quality.  I was in a big hurry. And somehow, the teacher is getting 13 cookies instead of the 12 I planned to give her. Wow, my math skills are terrible!

Moving on, I liked how the bathing suit came out. I was worried, because it started life as a onesie.

Some of my favorites...

I don't know what this says about my psychological make-up, but I LOVE making flip-flop cookies.  And surfboards, too,but mostly flip-flops. And I am compelled to make them in pairs, which I then refuse to break up. You will note that the teacher is getting one of each shape/color...except the flip flops. She's getting a pair of those.


Slightly embarrassed that I forgot to flip one of these over...


And the reason I was in a hurry was because I was trying to get out the door to Tuesday morning Bible study, and I was taking the leftovers with me.  Because I can never make just a few cookies at a time.

Half patriotic, half Hawaiian vacation!  They were a hit.

Well, that's all for now.



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