Teal, Yellow, and Gray Baby Shower Cookies

A friend had a baby shower and I got to bring cookies and cupcakes! We were very excited for her, as this baby has been a long time coming.

Unfortunately, I got ZERO good photos of the cookies. And I mean ZERO-er than normal.

Made some onesies...

Some bottles, rattles and bibs...

 A plaque or two...

And then I also made some cupcakes! I used my usual go-to chocolate cake, plus some white to go with them. Half the chocolate cupcakes were filled with dulce du leche (the ones with the dollops on top) and half of the white cupcakes were filled with lemon curd (also with the dollops on top). They were pretty darn tasty. Again, not a good photo, but you get the idea. They're cupcakes. :-)

The little one arrived a few weeks ago and mom and dad couldn't be happier!

Well, that's all for now.


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