Birthday Cakes

Well, I'm finally getting to post some of the birthday cakes from this week.  Yay! 

First, here is the cake for my great aunt's 75th birthday.  It was fun, but next time I will use one large flower cutter, as opposed to cutting each petal individually.  It took a really.  long.  time.

And here is where we get into the "D'oh!" part of the name.  I have already admitted that I'm a lousy photographer.  However, on this one I actually forgot to take any pictures.  This picture was taken with my phone in my grandma's basement.  (Hi Grandma!)  I have one better quality picture, but I can't bring myself to post it because the phone was crooked or something, and the cake looks like it's listing pretty severely to one side.  And it wasn't. I promise.  (However, you'll notice that right corner of the white tier is lower than the other corners.  Not really sure what happened there, and I'm not sure why I didn't notice until I was DONE, but it wasn't too noticeable at the party.)  Inspiration on the design found here:  Lime Flower Fun.  This was my first time icing a square cake, so I was pretty happy that it turned out as well as it did.

Anyhoo, the two yellow tiers are chocolate with cookies and cream filling.  The white tier is vanilla with cookies and cream filling.  Buttercream frosting with fondant decorations.  It was pretty good.

And then, for the Boy's birthday, I made a little cake to celebrate with just the family, since his party isn't until next week. 

But before the picture, an explanation:  He and his best friend have been drawing superheroes.  The superheroes are named Nick Man and Gav Boy.  They are stick figures.  However, my boy draws absolutely fantastic stick figures.  (And because they are oh-so-mature 8 year olds, their arch nemeses are Dora and Boots.  Because only babies watch Dora the Explorer.  And 8 year olds are not babies.)  So, in honor of his new favorite hobby, I found a drawing of Gav Boy in his room and copied it onto his cake.  And his favorite color is orange, so I made the cake orange.

Note the stern visage.  Gav Boy is not to be trifled with.

So for the rest of this week I will be working on his REAL birthday cake, which he is going to decorate himself.  I can't wait to see how it turns out!



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