Back to School Cookies

The boy started school yesterday.  WooHoo! 

Actually, he was ready.  He was getting tired of being home and not seeing his friends every day. 

Anyhoo, I asked him if he wanted me to make cookies for his teacher for the first day of school.  He said yes, but then he surprised me.  He said he wanted to do the cookies.  So he did.  We went through my cookie cutters and he picked which ones he wanted to use.  I helped him make the dough (I ran the mixer and made sure he measured correctly) and helped him roll it out, but he was the lead baker on this one. :-)

And here are the cookies he made:

He said, "I thought when you made cookies that you just squeezed the thing [icing bag] and they were done.  There's more to it than that."  He's very wise for his eight years.

Not to be outdone, his four year old sister made some:

And since we were all making cookies, I did some, too.

(I was going to post more pictures,but my computer has decided that it doesn't want to.  Stupid computer.  Maybe it will be more amenable later.)

It was a fun family project, and the kids had a good time.  I was really quite surprised at how focused th boy was.  And his sister really, really tried hard to do a good job.  And she succeeded! 

Happy Back to School everyone!



  1. Great set of cookies(from everyone!! Oh I wish mine were that age again....I loved doing this stuff with times, happy memories..anyway great job for the kiddos!!!!


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