Granola - Round 2

If you remember, a while back we made the Pioneer Woman's granola bars.  They were super yummy, but full of sugar (three kinds!!).  So I made it my mission to find a healthier but still yummy granola that my kids could snack on.

Enter Pinterest.  I found this recipe for Maple Vanilla Almond Granola at MyWholeFoodLife and it has been amazing.

Isn't it beautiful?  That's a double batch up there.  We eat it for breakfast with almond milk.  Yum.  Except for the girl.  She prefers the Apple Cinnamon Granola also from MyWholeFoodLife.  Little stinker.  So she gets her own batch.

The granola is sweetened/flavored only with maple syrup and unsweetened applesauce. Just what I was looking for.

So click on the links, go get the recipes and start making granola! You'll be glad you did.

That's all for today.



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