Coconut-Lime Margarita Cupcakes

Enough with the healthy food, already.  Let's get back to the bad stuff!  Who wants cupcakes?!?!?!

I saw these over on Make Me Cake Me ages ago, and I finally got around to making them.  They're lime cupcakes with lime Swiss Meringue Buttercream (SMBC) frosting.  I've been meaning to try SMBC for some time, but because I'm lazy, I haven't.

What does lazy have to do with trying another kind of frosting?  Dishes, that's what. I plan entire dinners by how many dishes I have to wash afterward. And this frosting uses extra dishes. But you know what?  After trying it, I may not care about the dishes.  It was delightful. Silky and smooth and not too sweet.  Perfect!

Anyhoo, it was the boss' birthday, so I brought cupcakes.  And because I took them to work I opted not to use the booze that the original recipe calls for. That, and I don't really drink, so I don't have any Tequila in the house and I didn't want to go to the liquor store for Tequila when I only needed 3-4 tablespoons. I'm also cheap frugal.

So they're not really margarita cupcakes, per se, just limey cupcakes with a sweet-salty kick. But if you wanted to make them and add the booze, they'd be margarita cupcakes again. And then they'd be happy. Or at least tipsy.

Because I didn't put any booze into the icing, I decided to add some coconut extract instead (about a teaspoon, in case you were wondering) in addition to the lime juice called for in the recipe. (Dude, I just had an awesome idea for pina colada frosting...)

The cupcakes themselves are lime-flavored buttermilk cupcakes, and they might be my new favorite. I love citrus. Especially in cake form.  But a word of warning: The recipe calls for adding lime juice to your creamed butter/sugar/egg mixture.  While I was anticipating a bit of curdle once the lime juice went in, I was not prepared for the violence of the curdling. I almost panicked and threw the batter out.  But once all of the flour was incorporated, the batter was back to normal and everything was fine.

Anyway, follow the links to the recipe and give it a try.  You'll be glad you did.

And here is a tutorial on Swiss Meringue Buttercream that I found after I made the afore-mentioned frosting. Of course.  Fortunately, I obsessively lurk around cake and cookie decorating forums, so I had already seen most of the information in the tutorial.  But it's still a great tutorial.

Well, that's all for now.



  1. These look refreshing....I love buttermilk in anything! I have made that Swiss Buttercream with great and not so great results! But it is delicious!!!

    1. I know, right? The smbc was a bit more work but I may be a convert. It was sooooo good!

  2. Yay! I'm so glad you tried them and liked them! Even though I haven't made them in a while, I now need to put them on my baking schedule. Lime…yummmm!!

    1. Hi Michelle! Seriously, they were delightful. I am definitely making them again.

  3. I love SMBC!!!! It is my favorite. I don't make it very often because I have found that kids usually don't like it. Some adults even. Most kids like the sugary icing. Boo!

  4. Hi, Marci! You know, my kids ate the icing, but I do believe they like the regular old American buttercream better. But they won't refuse icing in any form. ;-)


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